Test covariates


SOLAR performs likelihood ratio test (LRT) to evaluate the significance of covariates in a model. covtest argument says to conduct the LRT tests for all covariates. This option is disabled by default (to save calculation time).

mod1 <- solarPolygenic(trait1 ~ age + sex, dat30)
##   covariate   Estimate      SE Chi pval
## 1       age  0.0004591 0.01484  NA   NA
## 2       sex -0.4559509 0.31251  NA   NA

For the next model the test results are collected into cf slot of the model object.

mod2 <- solarPolygenic(trait1 ~ age + sex, dat30, covtest = TRUE)
##   covariate   Estimate      SE   Chi   pval
## 1       age  0.0004591 0.01484 0.001 0.9753
## 2       sex -0.4559509 0.31250 2.118 0.1455

The SOLAR command was the following.

## [1] "trait trait1"                      
## [2] "covariate age sex"                 
## [3] ""                                  
## [4] "polygenic  -prob 0.05 -screen -all"

In particular, -screen -all options for polygenic command do the job. These two options say to screen the covariates, although all covariates will be saved (not screened). That leads to the tests without covariate screening.

Model files

SOLAR generates files to store the modeling results.

##  [1] "last.mod"                  "noage.mod"                
##  [3] "noage.out"                 "nocovar.mod"              
##  [5] "nocovar.out"               "nosex.mod"                
##  [7] "nosex.out"                 "null0.mod"                
##  [9] "null0.out"                 "out.covariate"            
## [11] "out.globals"               "out.param.univar"         
## [13] "out.varcomp.univar"        "p0.mod"                   
## [15] "p0.out"                    "polygenic.logs.out"       
## [17] "polygenic.out"             "polygenic.residuals"      
## [19] "polygenic.residuals.stats" "poly.mod"                 
## [21] "poly.out"                  "s0.mod"                   
## [23] "s0.out"                    "spor.mod"                 
## [25] "spor.out"

Files noage.mod and nosex.mod are two polygenic models without one of the two covariates, which in turn were compared to the null model with all covariates to get the LRT statistics.